Al Akhawayn

AUI – Al Akhawayn

Founded in 1993 by Royal Dahir (decree), Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane opened its doors to students in January 1995. Based on the principles of diversity and an international outlook, the university's mission is driven by values of human solidarity and tolerance. Al Akhawayn has modeled its administrative, pedagogical, and academic organization on the American university system, and English is the language of instruction. Still, in its infancy, the university has already developed a national and international reputation for its unique identity and potential.

Informations sur AUI – Al Akhawayn

Informations générales :

Inauguration : 1995
Nombre d'étudiants : 2135

Informations sur AUI – Al Akhawayn :

Catégorie d'école


Type d'établissement




Accréditations et reconnaissances :

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